
FISinter (to initial point) Das föderative Informationssystem über Güter und Dienstleistungen
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       Die Beschreibung von Produkten / Leistungen - Hörgerät , ist in der unten genannten Spalte der FISinter dargestellt.
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  •   Medizinische Apparaturen, Ausr'stungen und Zubeh're
    • Hörgerät "Otikon-Istok 380P"
      Air conduction. For indemnification of heavy and deep losses hearing of horizontal and êðóòîíèñõîäÿùåãî types.
    • Hörgerät "Otikon-Istok 380PL"
      Air conduction. For indemnification of heavy and deep losses hearing particularly in low-frequency region, smooth, îáðàòíîíèñõîäÿùåãî and ëåâîóãëîâîãî types.
    • Hörgerät "RITM-A1"
      Electronic of air conduction, postaural type C automated gain control. For middle and heavy hearing loss.
    • Hörgerät "RITM-K1"
      For indemnification of middle and heavy hearing losses from 45 to 95 decibels. Ìàëîãà áàðèòíûé pocket.
    • Hörgerät "RITM-M1"
      For indemnification of weak and middle hearing losses with flat and êðóòîíèñõîäÿ ùåé pure tone audiogram.
    • Hörgerät "RITM-M2"
      Medium frequency for indemnification of middle hearing losses with horizontal and ïîëîãîíèñõîäÿùåé of pure tone audiogram.
    • Hörgerät "RITM-M3"
      For indemnification of weak and middle hearing losses with flat and êðóòîíèñõîäÿ ùåé pure tone audiogram.
    • Hörgerät "Sonata" U-01
      For correction and indemnification of weak and middle (II-III degrees) losses hearing.
    • Hörgerät "Sonata" U-04
      For correction of middle and strong hearing losses, particularly is advised to for child hearing prosthesis with residual hearing, thanks to strengthening in low-frequency region.
    • Hörgerät "Sonata" U-06
      Powerful broad-band apparata. For correction on aerial çâóêîïðîâåä åíèÿ of middle and strong hearing losses, mainly in HF range.
    • Hörgerät "Sonata" U-07
      Powerful broad-band apparata with antenna array and àóäèîâõîäîì. | For correction average them and strong losses of hearing, including with pronounced the Phung.
    • Hörgerät "Sonata" U-08
      Superpowerful broad-band apparata with antenna array. for correction deep sweat hearing pulse relay, including with pronounced the Phung. Particularly is advised to child hearing prosthesis with residual hearing.
    • Hörgerät Audit H
      Postaural type for indemnification of middle hearing losses. For sound amplification in high-frequency region.
    • Hörgerät Audit N
      Postaural type for indemnification of middle hearing losses. Has the wide Polo with reproduced frequencies.
    • Hörgerät Audit RR
      Miniature postaural type for indemnification of heavy hearing losses.
    • Hörgerät Audit RRL
      Miniature postaural type, with expanded reproduction low hour that. For indemnification of heavy hearing losses.
    • Hörgerät CB 65
      For indemnifications of middle hearing losses. Miniature postaural type of series Club on the basis 100% firm completing with total use of mitotic activity òåðèàëîâ and technology of company "Îòèêîí" (Denmark).
    • Hörgerät CB 65+T
      For indemnification of middle hearing losses. Miniature postaural type of series Club on the basis 100% firm completing with total use of mitotic activity òåðèàëîâ and technology of company "Îòèêîí" (Denmark).
    • Hörgerät K-10K
      Electronic pocket of bone conductivity - for indemnification of middle and heavy hearing losses. Antenna array is equipped with.
    • Hörgerät K-10S
      Electronic pocket, aerial conductance - for environments indemnification them and heavy losses of hearing. Binaural, antenna array is equipped with.
    • Hörgerät K-11K
      Electronic pocket, bone conductivity - for indemnification of middle and heavy hearing losses.
    • Hörgerät K-11S
      Electronic pocket, aerial conductance - for environments indemnification them and heavy losses of hearing. Binaural.
    • Hörgerät K-12S
      Electronic pocket, âîõçäóøíîé conductance - for environments indemnification them hearing losses. Antenna array is equipped with.
    • Hörgerät K-13S
      Electronic pocket, aerial conductance - for indemnification of weak and middle hearing losses.
    • Hörgerät U-03
      Electronic postaural type, individual use. For êîìïåíñà öèè of middle and large (60-90 decibel) hearing defects by the sound amplification way on air conduction.
