Relais elektromagnetisches

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  •   Elektrotechnik- und Kabelerzeugnisse und -Ausr'stungen
    • Relais elektromagnetisches REP 96
      Intermediate slowed down in case of on-off. For billeting chains ííîãî and alternate current, in schemes of protection and automatics of ýëåêòðîýíåðãåòè ÷åñêîãî equipment and for the replacement of series relay of ÐÏ18 and ÐÏ250.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches REP-11
      Intermediate, for commutation of electric circuits of permanent and ïåðåìå ííîãî current of frequency from 50 to 2400 Hz.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches REP-25
      Electromagnet intermediate for commutation of electric circuits post îÿííîãî and alternate current of frequency from 50 to 2400Ãö.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches REP-25A
      Electromagnet intermediate for commutation of electric circuits post îÿííîãî current of frequency from 50 to 2400Ãö. For the replacement of relay of ÐÏ16 of ÐÏ23 of ÐÏ25, ÐÏÓ-2Ì.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RES 81 - RES 84
      Small-sized, reed switch. Two-position, single-shot. For êîììó òàöèè of electric circuits of direct and alternating current by the frequency to 100 kHz.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RES 85, RES 86
      Small-sized, reed switch. Two-position, single-shot. For êîììó òàöèè of electric circuits of direct and alternating current by the frequency to 100 kHz.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RPS 15
      Three-position, single-shot, with closure and break contact mi. For commutation of electric DC circuits.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RPS 4
      Two-position, äâóõñòàáèëüíîå, with neutral two-position áëîêèðî aerospace plane. For commutation of electric DC circuits.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RPS 49, RPS 50
      Polarized, reed switch. For commutation of electric circuits of ïîñòîÿí Noy and alternate current by the frequency to 100 kHz.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RPS 5
      Three-position, single-shot, with closure and break contact mi. For commutation of electric DC circuits.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RPS 51, RPS 52
      Polarized, ÷åòûðåõãåðêîíîâîå. Íåïîëÿðèçèðîâàííîå, two-position non-hermetic dc relay. For commutation electric ts drinks of direct and alternating current by the frequency to 100 kHz.
    • Relais elektromagnetisches RPS 7
      Two-position, single-shot, with closure and break contact mi. For commutation of electric DC circuits.
