Vibrator industriell

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       Die Beschreibung von Produkten / Leistungen - Vibrator industriell, ist in der unten genannten Spalte der FISinter dargestellt.
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  •   Bau- und Strassenbautechnik
    • Vibrator industriell IV
      For vibration stimulation in directives on concrete mix compaction and grounds, transportation, discharging and bolting of granular materials, vibratory feeders drive, vibroplatforms etc..
    • Vibrator industriell IV-10
      For oscillation excitation on âèáðîôîðìàõ, âèáðîòóìáàõ, vibroplatforms in case of concrete mix compaction, blocs, panels and other products ñáîðí oho of reinforced concrete and different specy vibrocribble.
    • Vibrator industriell IV-104B
      For oscillation excitation on cassette moulding installations in case of èçãî òîâëåíèè of ferro-concrete products, to be borne on bins, and other technological machines with the aim of mechanization
    • Vibrator industriell IV-111A
      For oscillation excitation of âèáðîçàñëîíêè of exact dosage on áåòîíî ÄÑ-111 packer, included in set of road-building machines of ÄÑ-110. Frequency feeding íàïðÿæåíÿ 200 Hz.
