box switching

FISinter (to initial point) Federative information system of producers on products and services
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 Alongside with placing information about their goods and services on the FISinter, producers obtain registered unique identification of their goods and services to be used in the flow of documents composed by their counterparts.
      Description of goods/services - box switching, is given under the below mentioned section of the FISinter.
      Enter the section and learn detailed description of the available trademarks and modifications of the goods/services - box switching.
  •   Electrotechnica, cable products and equipment
    • box switching LKM-762
      Case with line contactors for commutation of power circuits of traction electric åêòðîäâèãàòåëÿ for subway cars.
    • box switching YAMKM
      In drawer the electromagnet contactors and the thermal relay for êîììóòàö artificial intelligence and protection of electric equipment of subway cars are included.
    • box switching YARDM-2
      ßÐÄÌ-2 and ßÐÄÌ-2À to identify circle light and reloadings of traction äâè ãàòåëåé and issue of instruction on break of power circuit of subway car.
