Licor acre

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       Descrição de artigos/seviços - Licor acre, está apresentada na abaixo indicada rúbrica FISinter.
      Entre na rúbrica e tome conhecimento da descrição pormenorizada das marcas e modificações de artigos/serviços - Licor acre.
  •   Víveres aliménticos, bebidas e componentes para estes
    • Licor acre "Aralievaya"
      Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Archekas"
      Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Beshtau"
      Is constructed of ecologically clean raw material. Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Bogatyrskaya"
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification; drinkable ñïåöèàë üíî prepared the water; extract of vegetable raw material ( eleutherococcus, ðîìàø to, balm, lime flower); aromatic alcohol of coriander fruits; sugar; color.
    • Licor acre "Boyarushka"
      Contains the extracts of flavoring herbs and rye rusks, that attaches remember her ùèéñÿ the taste and complicated aroma. Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Bryansky zapovednik"
      Is prepared by alcohol of highest purification with the addition of extracts of therapeutic t ðàâ: holy grasses, balms, ÷àáðåöà and kidneys of pine.
    • Licor acre "CHernaya smorodina"
      With aroma of blackcurrants.
    • Licor acre "Dalnevostochnaya"
      Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Dary taygi"
      The harmonic combination of berry juices of magnoliavine, cowberry, dogrose and n àñòîÿ of cowberry pages gives this vitamin drink the aroma ïðèàìó ðñêîé taiga and wonderful garnet tint. Has been developed in 1993.
    • Licor acre "Dzhin"
      On the basis of high-quality grain alcohol with the addition èíãðåäèåí t from natural raw material, giving the drink original taste and Aroma t of ìîææåâåëîé berry.
    • Licor acre "Erofeich"
      Contains 15 grasses. Complicated aroma without aroma marking individual èíãðè of äèåíòîâ. |
    • Licor acre "Gorny dubnyak"
      Is constructed of ecologically clean raw material. Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Hmelnaya"
      Contains the extracts of flavoring herbs and rye rusks, that attaches her îðèãèíàëü the humanitarian aid recallable taste and aroma. The fortress 40%. Ðàçëèâàåòñÿ in bottles of volume 0, 5 L..
    • Licor acre "Kedrovka"
      Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Limonnaya"
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification, water drinkable and ñïðàâëåííàÿ, aromatic alcohol of lemon oil, extracts of dried citric crust and fresh orange. Fortress - 38%.
    • Licor acre "Ohotnichya"
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification; drinkable ñïåöèà ëüíî prepared the water; aromatic alcohol of vegetable raw material (ginger, Kalgan, cultivated angelica, carnation, pepper, coffee); port-wine; sugar; color.
    • Licor acre "Ohotnichya"/2
      From high-quality alcohol, softened waters, port-wine, sugars and antenna array îìàòè÷åñêîãî raw material: ginger, Kalgan, cultivated angelica, carnation, red rougeetnoir êðàñíîå pepper, anisetree, juniper, citric and mandarine.
    • Licor acre "Orbita"
      The aromatic alcohols (citric, coriander, black and red per ts) attach aroma the citrus tone and piquant ãîð÷èíêó in taste.
    • Licor acre "Percovaya"
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification, water drinkable and ñïðàâëåííàÿ, extracts of red and odorous pepper, root of pepper and majorana , honey natural, sugar, color. Fortress - 40%.
    • Licor acre "Percovaya"/2
      The extracts of red, black and odorous peppers attach classically hot the taste and pleasant aroma. Fortress 38%.
    • Licor acre "Percovka"
      Fortress 35%.
    • Licor acre "Percovka"/2
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification; drinkable ñïåöèà ëüíî prepared the water; aromatic alcohol of vegetable raw material (ginger, Kalgan, cultivated angelica, carnation, pepper, coffee); port-wine; sugar; color.
    • Licor acre "Percovka"/3
      From high-quality alcohol, treated water, red rougeetnoir êðàñíîå pepper Eves, as well as êóáåáû. Has the characteristic ïåðöîâûé taste and the aroma.
    • Licor acre "Persikovaya bescvetnaya"
      With peach aroma.
    • Licor acre "S percem"
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification, water drinkable and ñïðàâëåííàÿ, extracts of red and odorous pepper, root of pepper and majorana , honey natural, color. Fortress - 20%. Volume - 0, 7 L..
    • Licor acre "Sadko"
      In the composition of the berries of red and black-fruit ðÿáèíû, the apples, the grass contaminant ðîáîÿ, the coriander, the Kalgan are included, cherry leaves. Fortress 40%. The issue has started in 19 98ã.
    • Licor acre "Starka"
      The fine quality, the slightly hot taste and the complicated aroma with tones to íüÿêà has been bought thanks to successful combination of particular due of Crewe pages ûìñêèõ kinds of apple trees and pears with high-quality ïîðòâåéíîì and coniacian .
    • Licor acre "Starka"/2
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification; drinkable ñïåöèà ëüíî prepared the water; extract of vegetable raw material (apple leaves, years ðóø); port-wine; coniacian; sugar; color. Fortress 43%.
    • Licor acre "Starka"/3
      From high-quality alcohol, softened waters, coniacian and port-wine with addition of apple leaves rosemary, pears pages Aleksandr, Ber, Saha r and vanillin.
    • Licor acre "Streleckaya"
      From high-quality alcohol and treated water. The combination of odorous and red peppers, êóáåáû and the sugars attaches her the peculiar taste and the aroma.
    • Licor acre "Taezhny oreh"
      Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Vladimirskaya"
      The basis of composition put monastery recipes of therapeutic infusions. Îáëàä Ayus by the balsam properties, is recommended with mineral water , tea, coffee , in case of ïðîñòóäàõ and overcooling.
    • Licor acre "YAroslavskaya limonnaya"
      From high-quality alcohol, softened waters, extracts of fresh Limon and sweet flag calamus root, with the addition of honey, sugar liquor and citric acid . Has the natural citric taste and the aroma.
    • Licor acre "YAroslavskaya mozhzhevelovaya
      From high-quality alcohol and treated water with the addition of citric acid, sugars, gin and tonic.
    • Licor acre "YAroslavskaya percovaya"
      From high-quality alcohol, softened waters, apple juice, with äîáà âëåíèåì of orange oil, sugars, different extracts and Morses. Environments and them Morses ðÿáèíû, dogrose, Limon extracts etc..
    • Licor acre "ZHenshenevaya"
      Possesses bitterish, soft taste, transparent golden yellow the colour the Omagh, characteristic aroma of ginseng. Has been developed in 1993.
    • Licor acre "Zolotistaya s zhenshenem"
      On extract of fresh root of ginseng. Possesses tonic, challenging property, improves mental and the exercise performance, deduces t from organism ðàäèîíóêëåèäûè salts of òûæåëûõ metals.
    • Licor acre "Zveroboy"
      The extracts of aaron beard, melilot and Origanum attach harmonic, slightly hot in the Coosa and complicated aroma. Fortress 40%.
    • Licor acre "Zveroboy"/2
      Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification; drinkable ñïåöèà ëüíî prepared the water; extract of vegetable raw material (aaron beard, melilot , Origanum), color. Fortress 45%
