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Messen-Geräte und -Ausrüstungen

Gasanalysator stationär GTM-5101M

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For continuous automatic measurement of volume fraction of oxygen in various environments.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Operating principle - thermomagnetic method of sampling - compulsory measurement ranges of Î2, % on Îñí. Ïðèâåä. pogrom. % oxygen in argon 0-1; 0-2; 0-5 +-6 0-100 +-4 oxygen in nitrogen 0-1; 95-100 +-5 0-2; 0-5; 0-10 +-4 50-80; 80-100 +-4 0-30; 0-50; 0-80; 0-100 +-2, 5 98-100 +-10 oxygen in smoke gases 0-2; 0-5; 0-10 +-5 0-30; 0-50 +-4 oxygen in operating zone 0-21; 0-30; 0-50 +-2, 5 (oxygen into the air) 15-30 +-4 heating-up time, mine, not more 60 establishment Statements, with, not more 60 availability 4 signallings thresholds in óñòàí. as agreed limits of measurement range, % 5-9- with consumer out parameters óíèôèöèð. output signal, mitotic activity 0-5 or 4-20 under order "dry" relay contacts one group for each threshold parameters measured environment: temperature, feedbacks +5- +40 pressure, kPa 80-108 moisture, ã/ì3, not more than 5 dust, ã/ì3, íåáîëåå 0, 001 volumetric discharge, ë/ìèí 0-72+-0, 24 environment temperature, feedbacks +5- +50 food, in 220 Ïîòðîáëÿåìàÿ capacity, VA 50 overall dimensions, MM 306õ360õ140 mass, kg, not more 12, 5 lifetime, year, no less than 10

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für itm