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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Kurse, Unterricht, Beratung, Ausbildung-Dienstleistungen

Erhöhung der qualifikation Gl. Konstruktor,Tehnolog

Das Land: Belarus
 Der Lieferantentyp: Entwickler  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Development and implementation of systems of quality at enterprise on incineration facility of ISO 9000 and 14000.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Duration of the training course: annually, volume of curriculum 36 part. (1 week leu). Duration of the training course: - for chapter. Designers: 3-8 May; - for chapter òåõíîëî years: 10-15 May. Lecturers: chiefs, main specialists of the Ministry, concerns, committees, the most qualified scientific and pedagogical employees of educational and scientific institutions, practicians. Kinds çàíÿ òèé: lectures, practical works, thematic discussions, exit çàíÿ òèÿ on best enterprises of radiobiological plant, business games, round tables, experience exchange. issued the document: for course of study - certificate. Service: 1) on çàÿâ SIF (telephone, fax, letter), no later than 10 before days before the beginning information language, the ticket booking in hotel is engaged in; 2) on inquiry îðãàíèçóåñÿ three of time. pit àíèå; 3) on inquiry the work programme and the schedule on ïðåäñòî ÿùåìó training phase is sent; 4) are given education-methodics material. mode of payment: - clearing in terms of roubles of radiobiological plant at the rate of national radiobiological plant bank or in roubles of the Russian Federation at the rate of as of the payment day; - cash payment (under condition of submission of application for participation for 10 days before the beginning of manual). Conventional payment îâèÿ: preliminary, not later, than 5 days before the beginning manual. under condition of appointment card for manual of two employees from one ïðåäïðèÿò the information language is given the discount 10%, three and áîëåå-15% from basic cost education (on service is not applied). In registration it is necessary to show the copy of payment orders and the protocol agreement äîãîâîðí the price ouch.

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für crs

Conditions and mode of payment óêàçàåíû in "detailed description of". 120$-áàçîâàÿ cost of tuition for 1 week (rate 36 part. ; 145$-ñòîèìîñòü of education with three of time. Food; 165$-ñòîèìîñòü of education with three of time. board and lodging (only for radiobiological plant citizens).