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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Kurse, Unterricht, Beratung, Ausbildung-Dienstleistungen

Erhöhung der qualifikation ITR Ohrana truda

Das Land: Belarus
 Der Lieferantentyp: Entwickler  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Speciality: "labour protection". Specialization: "safety measure, on èçâîäñòâåííàÿ and fire safety on machine building enterprises, constructions, energies, òðàñïîðòà.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

For service employees of protection of labour, foreman and commanders of area and workshops, ìåõàííèêîâ and power engineers of workshops and ïðåäðèÿòèé, ãîñó specialists donative inspectorate of labour. In the process of education diff. the listeners ðåíöèàöèÿ according to circle interesting problems is provided; those safety Nika in machine-building, metallurgic production, in construction, on motor transport; industrial sanitation, aircraft engineering òåñòàöèÿ of workplaces on conditions of work etc.. The skill improvement is carried out according to schedule admission, which is formed on contracts foundation with ministries, departments, enterprises and çàèíòåð åñîâàííûìè persons. The listeners challenge on skill improvement of îñóùåñòâ ëÿåòñÿ ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of manual. In case of that enterprise and organization according to schedule its ministry (departments) or along a straight line contract with ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses represent in ÓÖ the following documents for every the listener: - íàïðàâëå enterprise Nia, signed by the head of enterprises and certified Pech Pec àòüþ; - document copy on higher education (diploma); - the copy ïëàòåæíî the order ãî on payment for education listener; - signed contract (in two copies) on education in ÓÖ "industry personnels". Mentioned äîêóìåí thou shall send the address ÓÖ "the industry personnels" or hand in personally, but not on çæå as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses. Living in another town listeners ïðåäîñòàâë ÿþòñÿ comfortable hostel or áðîíèðóþòñÿ place in hotels. In çìîæíà organization of nutrition. The listeners are provided ó÷åáíî-ìåòîäè÷åñ SIF by the literature.

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für crs

Ruble payment of radiobiological plant or Russian Federation at the rate of national. Radiobiological plant bank. beginning çà- íÿòèé on prepayment fact. Is indicated the base the cost of tuition without additional services (without dwelling, without food).