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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Kurse, Unterricht, Beratung, Ausbildung-Dienstleistungen

Erhöhung der qualifikation ITR EVM

Das Land: Belarus
 Der Lieferantentyp: Entwickler  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Speciality of T. 10. 02. - "software of information òåõíîëî of ãèé. Specialization - "personal computer user".

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

For the personnel of enterprises and organizations of various forms of property, related to processing, storage and Directorate of large floods òåêñòî yowl and graphic information. The listeners will receive the primary training ownership by the computer: operating systems of DOS, WINDOWS, the file îáëî ÷êà NC. are studying êîìïüþòîðíûå preparation technologies of business documentation ; êîìïüþòîðíûå funds of authority of accounting records; languages ïðîãðàì ìèðîâàíèÿ; publishing systems; îïòèìàòèçàöèè funds of graphic r boat; local funds and systems; INTERNET. The skill improvement the feedback ùåñòâëÿåòñÿ according to schedule admission, which is formed on feedbacks contracts íîâå with ministries, departments, enterprises and çàèíòåðåñ îâàííûìè persons. Listeners challenge on skill improvement îñóùåñòâëÿ ÓÖ åòñÿ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of manual. In case of that enterprise and organization according to schedule its ministry (the departments) or along a straight line contract with ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses represent in ÓÖ the following documents for every the listener: - íàïðàâëå enterprise Nia, signed by the head of enterprises and certified p ÷àòüþ; - document copy on higher education (diploma); - the copy ïëàòåæíî the order ãî on payment for listener education; - signed contract (in two copies) on education in ÓÖ "industry personnels". Mentioned äîêóìåí thou shall send the address of ÓÖ "the industry personnels" or hand in personally, but not on çæå as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses. On inquiries by the living in another town listeners are given the comfortable hostels or áðîíèðóþòñÿ places in State òèíèöàõ. There may be the organization of nutrition. The listeners are provided ó÷åáíî- procedural literature. Mode of payment: - clearing in terms of roubles radiobiological plant at the rate of national bank radiobiological plant or roubles Russian Federation at the rate of the date opah corselet; - cash payment (under condition of filing application for ó÷ïñòèå for 10 days before the beginning of manual). In case of appointment card for manual of two employees from CD ROM Noy enterprise ñêèäêà10%, three and áîëåå-15% from basic cost îáó÷å Nia ( on service is not applied). In registration it is necessary pre to twist the copy of payment orders and the signed protocol agreement contract price.

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für crs

The ruble payment of radiobiological plant or Russian Federation. beginning educations on fact ïðåäîï- corselet. Is indicated the base cost per the educational course without additional services (without dwelling, without food).