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Automobil- und Traktorentechnik und -Ausr'stungen

Schaltrelais _________ 90.3747

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For commutation of electric DC circuits.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Technical characteristics. nominal voltage - 12 V.. bobbin current - not more 0, 2 A. operate voltage - not more 8 V. the drop-away voltage - 1, 5. 5, 5 V. functioning temperature - (- 50. +80) degree Celsiuses. degree of protection - IÐ44. mass - 0, 03 kg. business hour - long-term.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
The load current, and the contacts number, states the pocket availability the holder availability the electric circuit (see the image) the application the application the application the application the assembly
1 90.3747
30/20 5 + + 01 lyase, ÊÀÂÇ, Belaz, ËóÀÇ zil, moscovite 2141, groove combine, tractor, ñåëüñêîõîç. machines screw Ì6
2 90.3747-01
30/20 5 + - 01 VAZ, ÇÀÇ, gas pin
3 90.3747-10
30 4 + + 02 VAZ, ÇÀÇ, gas screw Ì6
4 90.3747-11
20 4 + + 02 VAZ, ÈÆ, gas, ÓÀÇ, KAMAZ, ËóÀÇ, ÊÀÂÇ moscovite 2141, ÇÀÇ pin
5 90.3747-20
20 4 + + 03 VAZ, ÈÆ, gas, ÓÀÇ, KAMAZ, ËóÀÇ, ÊÀÂÇ, moscovite 2141, ÇÀÇ screw Ì6
6 90.3747-21
20 4 + - 03 VAZ, ÈÆ, gas, ÓÀÇ, KAMAZ, ËóÀÇ, ÊÀÂÇ, moscovite 2141, ÇÀÇ pin