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Sicherung- u. Feuerl'systeme u. -Ausr'stungen, Meldean'gen

Safe metallischer SV-401.SS10

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

4 protections classes. For custody of values and documents. Stipulated in depository of II class replace, in accordance with instructions of the Central Bank of Russia, õðà íèëèùà V of class of âçëîìîñòîéêîñòè.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Are recommended for holding of jewellery and large money funds. original design of safe (protected patents of N 44081 certificate of N 8393), having the multilayer package by the depth 70 MM, door, with four-sided fixation in chassis earth with two locks, provide âçëîìîñòîéêîñòü in compliance with Gost of Ð50862-96. the safe design is such that the protection properties not decrease even in case of loops cutting, and the locks are protected from drilling out and are blocked in an effort of sputtering. failure-free performance: all the most responsible element of safe ( locks, ðèãåëüíûé mechanism, regulated the loop, the polymer coating) are supplied leading world manufacturers those like SargentGreenland (the U. S. A.), Mauer (the Germany), STUV (the Germany), they certified by international standard and is operated dozens year. Guarantee from 2 up to the ages of 3. the safes design allows to ascertain the safes each other and to affix of them among themselves and secure to sex. It is possible to gather the entires ñåéôîâûå "the walls". Fixing withstand the effort "on breakaway" no less than 1 T.. Safes, optional, can be equipped with the individual, turn-off compartment (òðàéçåðîì) or several cells or nest of shelves. the safes can be equipped with the key and mechanical code or electronic, or two key locks. additionally, optional, the safes can be equipped with any number of nest of shelves, clamping device to sex, as well as the delivery to installation site of safe is carried out. height - 995 MM width - 650 MM depth - 570 MM volume - 200 l mass - 465 kg

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für itm