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Bauteile und komplettierende Erzeugnisse der Elektronik

Halbleitergehäuse _________ KT-2

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For electronic packaging. Analogue on classification of IEC-Ñ-4.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

The body consists of foot of circular configuration with circle diameter not more 9, 20 MM and circular cap by the diameter no less than 8, 26 MM. Conclusions, dia- meter of which 0, 45 MM, and the length makes up 13, 5 MM, if this specially is not specified in specification, circle by the diameter 5, 00 MM align themselves on. Conclusions number of and the compensation kind depends on constructive execution of foot. The housing height in assembly 6, 50 MM is not in excess of. materials: foot flange - 47 ÍÄ Gost 14080-78 conclusion of èçîëèðîâ. | - 29 Tax Codes the Gost 14081-78 the conclusion of casing - Gost ÍÏ-2 2179-79 Ñòåêëîèçîëÿòîð - with 48-2 the OST 11 027. 010-78 the cap - the ÄÏÐÍÌ belt 0, 3 NPY 2 Gosts 2170-73 the compensation - depends on design of body the leak-tightness showing of body - 5 on leakage rate of helium, kh l of micrometre. Hg column. /ñ, not more than 5 kh 10 insulation resistance, Omagh, no less than 100000000000 tolerance for climatic and other effects on OST 11 0304-86 rated maximum current, but not more 4 the body is supplied on share 0. 336. 006 technical specification.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Near-Earth space code of foot near-Earth space code of cap number of design and development documentation of foot number of design and development documentation of cap constructive characteristics conclusions number of, state. compensation notation convention of body
1 N 1
N 1
6375202251 6375024511 share 3. 551. 005 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. chemical. emergency ration or emergency ration; harm. 3 ÊÒ-2-7
2 N 2
N 2
6375200411 6375024511 share 3. 551. 007 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 conclusions length 23, 0ìì 2 èçîëèð. 1 corp. chemical. emergency ration or emergency ration; harm. 3 ÊÒ-2-7
3 N 3
N 3
6375202771 6375024511 share 3. 551. 007-01 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. chemical. emergency ration ÊÒ-2-7
4 N 4
N 4
637520 6375024511 share 3. 551. 007-02 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 insulated chemical. emergency ration ÊÒ-2-7
5 N 5
N 5
6375202271 6375024511 share 3. 551. 012 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. chemical. emergency ration or emergency ration; harm. 3 ÊÒ-2-7
6 N 6
N 6
6375202721 6375024511 share 3. 551. 012-01 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. chemical. emergency ration ÊÒ-2-7
7 N 7
N 7
637520 6375024511 share 3. 551. 012-02 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. Í-ÁÇ, ëîê. p.. Harm. 3 ÊÒ-2
8 N 8
N 8
6375202291 6375024511 share 3. 551. 029 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. chemical. emergency ration or emergency ration; harm. 3 ÊÒ-2-7
9 N 9
N 9
6375204501 6375024511 ÊÞßË 432264. 012 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. ëîê Í-ÁÇ. p.. Harm. 3 ÊÒ-2
10 N 10
N 10
6375204781 6375024511 ÊÞßË 432264. 012-01 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. Í-ÁÇ ÊÒ-2
11 N 11
N 11
6375204791 6375024511 ÊÞßË 432264. 012-02 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. emergency ration; chemical. emergency ration ÊÒ-2
12 N 12
N 12
6375204801 6375024511 ÊÞßË 432264. 012-03 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. Í-ÁÇ; ëîê. p.. Çë3 ÊÒ-2
13 N 13
N 13
6375204811 6375024511 ÊÞßË 432264. 012-04 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. Í-ÁÇ ÊÒ-2
14 N 14
N 14
6375204821 6375024511 ÊÞßË 432264. 012-05 ÊÞßË 754529. 006 - 2 èçîëèð. | 1 corp. emergency ration; chemical. emergency ration ÊÒ-2