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Bauteile und komplettierende Erzeugnisse der Elektronik

Halbleitergehäuse _________ KT-9

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For electronic packaging. Analogue on classification of IEC - Ñ-14À. Analogue on U. S. A. classification - ÒÎ-3 of ÒÎ-4.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

The body consists of foot of rhombic form with flange length not more 39, 15 MM, flange width not more 26, 50 MM and circular cap with dia- meter not more 20, 05 MM. On flange two fastening îòâåðñ- òèÿ diameter 4, 05 MM, with separation between their centres not more 30, 40 MM from each other are located. 2 insulated conclusion, diameter of which not ïðåâûøà- ET 1, 05 MM, and length 12, 00 MM, to a distance 5, 46 MM from are arranged axis of gravity. In the centre of flange is copper compensator with ìîí- òàæíîé ground for the set of crystal. The housing height in assembly not exceeds 10, 20 MM. materials: foot flange - steel 10 Gosts 503-81 conclusion - 38 ÍÊÄ Gost 10994-74 cap - steel 10 m Gost 503-81 holder - ÄÏÐÍÒ 2 ÍÄ ÌÎÁ Gost 15471-77 building - molibdenum page of íåîáîæ. 0, 7 technical specifications 48-19-315-80 compensation - chemical. Í12; chemical. Í6 leak-tightness showing of body - 4 on leakage rate of helium, l kh micrometre. Hg column. /ñ, not more than 5 kh 10 insulation resistance, Omagh, no less than 10000000000 tolerance for climatic and other of effects on OST 11 0304-86 rated maximum current, but not more 10 permissible of working voltage, in 2800 thermal resistance, degree. Ñ/Âò from 0, 7 to 1, 5 the body is supplied on share 0. 336. 004 technical specification.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Near-Earth space code of foot near-Earth space code of cap number of design and development documentation of foot number of design and development documentation of cap constructive characteristic
1 N 1
N 1
6375200461 6375200241 share 3. 551. 009 share 7. 305. 000 compensator
2 N 2
N 2
6375200471 6375200241 share 3. 551. 010 share 7. 305. 000 compensator
3 N 3
N 3
6375200481 6375200241 share 3. 551. 011 share 7. 305. 000 without compensator
4 N 4
N 4
6375201481 6375200241 share 3. 551. 031 share 7. 305. 000 Êîìïåíñ. With Montian. ïëîù.
5 N 5
N 5
6375204751 6375200241 ÊÞßË 432264. 004 share 7. 305. 000 Êîìï. | From pseudoalloy