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Radioelektronik-Apparaturen und -Ausrüstungen

Keramikkondensator _________ K10-18

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

One-layer disc leadless (ceramic disk, metallized Bilaterally) for the operation in circuits of direct and alternating currents and in Pulse modes at frequencies up to 2 500 mhzes.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

The condenser may be is used for the operation in channel selectors òåëåâèçè Îííûõ receivers. For soldering of bonding area is used îëîâÿííî- Lead solders. Soldering by the dipping method solder temperature not you Step 250 with time ïàéêèíå more 3 secs. In front of soldering the condensers must Be is moistened with the flux agent èíàãðåòû, in the moment of soldering to run temperature 180 with. Flux agent: ñïèðòî-êàíèôîëüíûé. The condensers admit expendable the ñîåäèíå Íèå soldering. Convention Ê10-18 - 47 production companies 10% - Ì750 ÎÆÎ. 460. 091 TC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 1 - type2 - rated capacitance 3 - allowable variation 4 - plurality on temperature stability 5 - designation TC Pluralities on temperature stability of Ì47 of Ì750 of Ì1500 of Í70. Reservoir values: - from 3, 3 production companies for groups Ì47 - up to 4700 production companies for a group Í70. Nominal voltage - 500 in (300 in a group of Í70. Interval ðàáî Whose temperatures from - 60 up to 85 with. Mass not more than 1, 5 grams.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Plurality on transport spacecraftRated capacitance, production companyDimensions, (diameter * of thickness), mmReactive power, pitchNominal voltage, inInsulation resistance, metal, no less thanLoss tangent, not more thanÄîïóêàåìîå diversion on reservoir, %
1 N 24
N 24
Ì7503910, 5õ2, 06050010 0001, 5 (150: with 7) õ0 0001- 5. 5
2 N 25
N 25
Ì7504710, 5õ2, 06050010 0001, 5 (150: with 7) õ0 0001- 5. 5
3 N 26
N 26
Ì15005610, 5õ1, 66050010 0000, 0015- 10. 10
4 N 27
N 27
Ì15006810, 5õ1, 66050010 0000, 0015- 10. 10
5 N 28
N 28
Ì15008210, 5õ1, 66050010 0000, 0015- 10. 10
6 N 29
N 29
Ì150010010, 5õ1, 66050010 0000, 0015- 10. 10
7 N 30
N 30
Í704706, 5õ1, 6130030000, 035- 20. 50
8 N 31
N 31
Í706806, 5õ1, 6130030000, 035- 20. 50
9 N 32
N 32
Í7010006, 5õ1, 6130030000, 035- 20. 50
10 N 33
N 33
Í7015008, 5õ1, 7230030000, 035- 20. 80
11 N 34
N 34
Í7020008, 5õ1, 7230030000, 035- 20. 80
12 N 35
N 35
Í70470010, 5õ1, 6330030000, 035- 20. 80
13 N 13
N 13
Ì473, 38, 5õ2, 54050010 000Is not standardized- 10. 10
14 N 14
N 14
Ì473, 98, 5õ2, 54050010 000Is not standardized- 10. 10
15 N 15
N 15
Ì474, 78, 5õ2, 54050010 000Is not standardized- 10. 10
16 N 16
N 16
Ì475, 68, 5õ2, 54050010 000Is not standardized- 10. 10
17 N 17
N 17
Ì476, 88, 5õ2, 54050010 000Is not standardized- 10. 10
18 N 19
N 19
Ì471010, 5õ2, 06050010 0001, 5 (150: with 7) õ0 0001- 5. 5
19 N 20
N 20
Ì471210, 5õ2, 06050010 0001, 5 (150: with 7) õ0 0001- 5. 5
20 N 21
N 21
Ì471510, 5õ2, 06050010 0001, 5 (150: with 7) õ0 0001- 5. 5
21 N 22
N 22
Ì7502710, 5õ2, 06050010 0001, 5 (150: with 7) õ0 0001- 5. 5
22 N 23
N 23
Ì7503310, 5õ2, 06050010 0001, 5 (150: with 7) õ0 0001- 5. 5