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Radioelektronik-Apparaturen und -Ausrüstungen

Elektroenergiezähler _________ PSCH-4P2

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Electrical ýíåðãèè-òðåõôàçíûé, with transformer inclusion in the network by the frequency 50 cycles. to accommodate receipt and expenditure of active electric power in three- and Chueta ðåõïðîâîäíûõ networks of alternate current.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

ÏÑ×-4Ï2 may transmit over a communication channel citing data on the central terminal informationally - measurement registration system and distributions of electric power. the counter may be used in conventional or computer-based collector information on consumption electrical. Energy, what makes it possible ðåãèñò- to ðèðîâàòü maximal and the minimal values of currents in electrical networks and operationally to administer electric power consumption. main technical characteristics. rated control current. 7, 5; 5 and nominal voltage (Uíîì. 3õ100/57, 7 in voltage range. From 0, 85 to 1, 1 Uíîì frequency range. 50. 60 Hz quality class of counter. 0, 5 measurement error of amperage in ïîñëåäîâòåëüíîé chain in the absence of current in the other chains. 0, 6 % full of power consumption. 3, 5 VA short-time overload by the input current. 150 and gear ratio of impulse exits: main. 500èìï. /Êâò hour test. 64000èìï. /êÂò hour overall dimensions. 80õ170õ280 of MM mass. 2, 0 kg mean time between failures. 35000 hours average life. 30 years recalibration interval. 6 years operation condition: ambient air temperature. - 45. +55 hail with relative air humidity in case of Ò=25 hail with 98 %

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für itm