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Schweißen-Ausrüstungen und -Materialien

Radial-Konsolenautomat _________ ARK-3

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For argon-arc welding of aluminium, non-corrosive, titanium and æàðîïð intramural alloys.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Is used for servicing several weld stations, accommodated around automatic machine during welding of butt annular, circle, longitudinal, angle, tee, lapped seams unmelting or melting ýëåêò genders on permanent or alternate currents. the automatic machines are being completed by welding heads of ÀÑÃÂ-4 ÀÑÃÂ-4Ð ÀÑÃÂ-4ÀÐ ÀÑÃÂ-4ÀÐÊ ÀÃÏ-4. rectilinear and the annular butts on products öèëèíä ðè÷åñêîé and peg-shaped as on external, and on internal ïîâåð õíîñòÿì with minimum diameter from 800 MM, as well as the directly linear articles SIF on leaves by the length to allows to weld 2500 MM. At the customer's request the automatic machine may be completed power sources of ÂÑÂÓ-400 or ÈÑÂÓ-400 ÂÑÏ-315Ì. the control circuit of automatic machine provides the stepless speed control weld and submission of electrode and filler wire. technical characteristics: maximum welding current, and 400 voltage supply line, in 380 welding speed, ì/ñ, no less than 0, 0013-0, 021 ascensional rate of consol, ìàðøåâàÿ/íàñòðîå÷íàÿ, m 0, 01/0, 003 turning angle of consol around âåðòèêàëüí. Axis, hail 350 travel of burner system on horizontal, MM 2100, 2600 travel of burner system on vertical, MM 1400, 1800 Ìèíèìàëüí. Internal. diameter weldable envelope, MM 800 maximal length weldable products, MM 2000 width of all dimension-types, MM 1350

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Length, MM height, MM mass, kg
1 Tiporazmer 1
Tiporazmer 1
4150 4700 3515
2 Tiporazmer 2
Tiporazmer 2
3650 4700 3500
3 Tiporazmer 3
Tiporazmer 3
4150 3700 3450
4 Tiporazmer 4
Tiporazmer 4
3650 3700 3400