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Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Sport- und Touristenausr'stungen und -Ausstattungen

Kuppelzelt _________

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 •  Inter
 *  Nat.
  • "Biryusa"

    *  "Biryusa"

  • Tunneling type. Wireframe, 1 input, 1 large air lock, suspended ïîëî÷ to, inset pockets, íàñåêîìîçàùèòíàÿ mesh. 3rd place. Weight: 4, 3 kg. clearances: 490õ220õ120 refer to. Packaging: 57õ22õ16 refer to.
  • "Piknik"

    *  "Piknik"

  • Cruciform dome. Wireframe, two-layer. 2 inputs, 2 air locks, raising humanitarian aid canopy, suspended the shelf, inset pockets, íàñåêîìîçàùèòíàÿ set K.. 4 place. Weight: 5, 8 kg. Clearances: 210õ440õ150 refer to. Packaging: 76õ27õ25
  • "Sibir"

    *  "Sibir"

  • Geodesic type. Wireframe, two-layer. 2 inputs, 2 air locks, suspended shelf, inset pockets, íàñåêîìîçàùèòíàÿ mesh. 8 places. Weight: 16 kg. Clearances: 520õ440õ220 refer to. Packaging: 82õ37õ25 refer to.
  • "Solo"

    *  "Solo"

  • Cruciform dome. Flexible frame. Two-layer. 2 inputs, internal to ðìàíû, íàñåêîìîçàùèòíàÿ mesh. 2 place. Weight - 2, 6 kg. Width - 140 refer to. length - 220ñì. Height - 97 refer to. Packaging: 65õ22õ18 refer to.