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Baubedarf und -Konstruktionen, Häser, Anlagen

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 •  Inter
 *  Nat.
  • 1.141-1 V15

    *  1.141-1 V15

  • Rocket control system series 5151-80, series 1. 141-1 from class concrete in fastness on compression Â15
  • KP V22,5F75

    *  KP V22,5F75

  • Collector. From class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F75
  • KPD V15

    *  KPD V15

  • Continuous
  • KPD V25F200

    *  KPD V25F200

  • Continuous
  • NV V20F50 prednp

    *  NV V20F50 prednp

  • Prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class in fastness on Â20 compression, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • NV V20F50 on

    *  NV V20F50 on

  • With conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • NTV V20F50

    *  NTV V20F50

  • Prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class in fastness on Â20 compression, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • NTO V20F50

    *  NTO V20F50

  • Prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class in fastness on Â20 compression, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP 2TV30F5

    *  PP 2TV30F5

  • Reinforced concrete type "double t" from class concrete in fastness on Â30 compression of mark on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP 4P6,0kPa

    *  PP 4P6,0kPa

  • With conventional reinforcement of type of 4Ï under settlement load on overlap 6, 0 kPa from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F50, marks on watertight of W2
  • PP 5g-3n V22,5F50

    *  PP 5g-3n V22,5F50

  • Cïëîøíàÿ with conventional reinforcement of type of 5ï-3ò from heavy cement class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5, freezing resistance of F50
  • PP V15

    *  PP V15

  • With conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete for channels class on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F100 , marks on watertight of W6
  • PP V15 zhb

    *  PP V15 zhb

  • Reinforced concrete multi-void prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F200
  • PP V15/2

    *  PP V15/2

  • Reinforced concrete multi-void prestressed from class concrete on compression strength Â15
  • PP V20

    *  PP V20

  • With conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete class on compression strength of Â20, freezing resistance of F75 for houses 101 and 111 series
  • PP V20 zhb

    *  PP V20 zhb

  • Reinforced concrete finned for building overlaps of different allotment with conventional reinforcement from class concrete on compression strength of Â20 mark on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP V22,5

    *  PP V22,5

  • With conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength of Â22 5
  • PP V22,5 zhb

    *  PP V22,5 zhb

  • Reinforced concrete continuous for overlaps of dwelling building from class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5 marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP V22,5F50

    *  PP V22,5F50

  • Reinforced concrete finned from class concrete on compression strength in 22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP V22,5F50 zhb

    *  PP V22,5F50 zhb

  • Reinforced concrete. Assembled the coverages of channel and camera of drain and sewerage networks from class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F75, marks on watertight of W4
  • PP V22,5F50 spl

    *  PP V22,5F50 spl

  • Continuous prestressed pension fund type from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength of Â22, 5, freezing resistance of F50
  • PP PB V15F50

    *  PP PB V15F50

  • Planar from class concrete on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP RB V15F50

    *  PP RB V15F50

  • Finned from class concrete on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP UNT V20

    *  PP UNT V20

  • Prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class in fastness on Â20 compression, freezing resistance of F50
  • PP UNU V20

    *  PP UNU V20

  • Prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class in fastness on Â20 compression, freezing resistance of F50
  • PPB V22,5F50

    *  PPB V22,5F50

  • Concrete class in 22, 5, freezing resistance f 50
  • PPZH V15

    *  PPZH V15

  • Reinforced concrete prestressed multi-void from class concrete on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F150, marks on watertight of W4
  • PPZH V15 zhbtr

    *  PPZH V15 zhbtr

  • Reinforced concrete for overlaps of íåïðîõîäíûõ pipe ducts from class concrete on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance F100
  • PPZH V15 zhb

    *  PPZH V15 zhb

  • Reinforced concrete continuous for overlaps of dwelling building from class concrete on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPZH V20F75

    *  PPZH V20F75

  • From class concrete on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance F75
  • PPZH V22,5F50

    *  PPZH V22,5F50

  • Continuous with conventional reinforcement of pension fund type from heavy cement concrete class on compression strength of Â22, 5, freezing resistance of F50
  • PPZH V25

    *  PPZH V25

  • Reinforced concrete ïðåäíàïððÿæåííàÿ multi-void from class concrete on compression strength of Â25, marks on freezing resistance of F150, marks on watertight of W4

    *  PPKTZH

  • Reinforced concrete for overlaps of íåïðîõîäíûõ pipe ducts with conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPMV20

    *  PPMV20

  • Multi-void with conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete class on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPMZH V15

    *  PPMZH V15

  • Multi-void prestressed from class concrete on compression strength Â15
  • PPP TP

    *  PPP TP

  • Basements with conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete of type "technological process", of class on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance of F50

    *  PPRZH

  • Reinforced concrete finned for overlaps and compensations of buildings of different appointment from class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPRZH zhb

    *  PPRZH zhb

  • Reinforced concrete finned for overlaps and compensations of buildings of different appointment from class concrete on compression strength of Â27, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPSZH V22,5

    *  PPSZH V22,5

  • Reinforced concrete continuous for large-panels building from class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5, freezing resistance of F50
  • PPSZH V15F50

    *  PPSZH V15F50

  • Reinforced concrete continuous from class concrete on compression strength of Â15, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPSZH V20

    *  PPSZH V20

  • Reinforced concrete continuous with conventional reinforcement from class concrete on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPSZH V20 zhb

    *  PPSZH V20 zhb

  • Reinforced concrete continuous for large-panels building from class concrete on compression strength of Â20; marks on freezing resistance of F150; watertight of W4
  • PPSZH V20 spl

    *  PPSZH V20 spl

  • Reinforced concrete continuous for large-panels building from class concrete on compression strength of Â20; marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPSZH V20F50

    *  PPSZH V20F50

  • Reinforced concrete continuous from class concrete on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPSZH V22,5

    *  PPSZH V22,5

  • Reinforced concrete continuous for overlaps of dwelling and public building class on compression strength of Â22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F100
  • PPSZH V22,5 zhb

    *  PPSZH V22,5 zhb

  • Reinforced concrete continuous from class concrete on compression strength Â22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPSZH V22,5 zhb sp

    *  PPSZH V22,5 zhb sp

  • Reinforced concrete continuous p type from class concrete in fastness on compression in 22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • RS 5151-80 V15

    *  RS 5151-80 V15

  • Rocket control system series 5151-80, series 1. 141-1 from class concrete in fastness on compression Â15
  • RS 5162-89 V22,5

    *  RS 5162-89 V22,5

  • Rocket control system series 5162-89 from class concrete on compression strength of Â22 5
  • UNT 20F50

    *  UNT 20F50

  • With conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • UNT V20F50

    *  UNT V20F50

  • Prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class in fastness on Â20 compression, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • UNU V20F50

    *  UNU V20F50

  • With conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete of class on compression strength of Â20, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • UNU V20F50 prnpr

    *  UNU V20F50 prnpr

  • Prestressed from heavy cement concrete of class in fastness on Â20 compression, marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • 2PG

    *  2PG

  • Reinforced concrete.
  • PDP V22,5F100

    *  PDP V22,5F100

  • For reinforced concrete for repayments of âíóòðèïîñòðîå÷íûõ and îáúåçäíûõ roads class in fastness in 22, 5, freezing resistance f 100, watertight of W 2
  • PP 2TV30F50

    *  PP 2TV30F50

  • Reinforced concrete type "double t" from class concrete in fastness on Â30 compression of mark on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP 6h3

    *  PP 6h3

  • Reinforced concrete finned prestressed 6õ3 for repayments industrial building from class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5 marks on freezing resistance of F50
  • PP V30

    *  PP V30

  • Reinforced concrete for paving of tramlines from class concrete on compression strength of Â30; on tensile strength in bending Btb4, 0; marks on freezing resistance of F300; on watertight of W8
  • PP V40

    *  PP V40

  • Reinforced concrete finned large spans for repayments of public and industrial building from class concrete on compression strength of mark Â40 on freezing resistance of F75 and watertight of W8
  • PPDZH V22,5

    *  PPDZH V22,5

  • Reinforced concrete for repayment of temporary autoroads from class concrete on compression strength in 22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F75, marks on watertight of W2
  • PPZH V25F75

    *  PPZH V25F75

  • For dwelling building from class concrete on compression strength of Â25, marks on freezing resistance of F75
  • PPK V5

    *  PPK V5

  • Keramzit-concrete for repayments of dwelling and public building ( ceramic concrete in 5; f 75)
  • PPKB

    *  PPKB

  • Keramzit-concrete for repayments of dwelling and public building from concrete class on compression strength of Â7, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F75
  • PPR

    *  PPR

  • Reinforced concrete finned for repayments of building of different allotment with prestress from class concrete on compression strength mark Â20 on freezing resistance of F50
  • PPT

    *  PPT

  • For paving of assembled compensations of sidewalks and pedestrian area from class concrete on compression strength of Â22, 5, marks on freezing resistance F200
  • PPT V60

    *  PPT V60

  • Concrete increased durality for repayments of tramlines from class concrete on compression strength of Â60, marks on freezing resistance F300
  • PRR V3075

    *  PRR V3075

  • Reinforced concrete finned large spans for repayments of public and industrial building from class concrete on compression strength of Â30, marks on freezing resistance of F75
  • PPGK V22,5

    *  PPGK V22,5

  • Mouths of revision wells from class concrete on compression strength Â22, 5, marks on freezing resistance of F100, on watertight of W4
  • PPS P V22,

    *  PPS P V22,

  • Continuous with conventional reinforcement from heavy cement concrete of class On compression strength of Â22, 5, brands on cold resistance of F50
  • PCHV V7,5

    *  PCHV V7,5

  • Inlet with conventional reinforcement from light cement concrete of class on Compression strengths of Â7, 5, brands on cold resistance of F75