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Elektrotechnik- und Kabelerzeugnisse und -Ausr'stungen

Relais elektromagnetisches RES 85, RES 86

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Small-sized, reed switch. Two-position, single-shot. For êîììó òàöèè of electric circuits of direct and alternating current by the frequency to 100 kHz.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Switches the currents from 1õ0, 000001 to 0, 35 and on tension 0, 001-60 V . the environment temperature from - 60 to +70 degree Celsiuses. atmosphere pressure from 200 to 1520 MM of mercury column. relative air humidity at temperature up to 35 degrees on target! ñèþ - not more 98%. vibration-proof and vibration proofness in case of anchorage within a range of frequencies from 5 to 600 Hz - with acceleration to 10g. shock-stability - upon acceleration not more 40g - 10000 hits. impact strength: single hits - 9 hits with acceleration to 20g in case of pulse duration 20-50 incineration facility or to 75g in case of pulse duration 1- 3 incineration facilities; multiple hits - 10000 hits with acceleration to 40g. permanently acting the linear loads - to 10g. relative air humidity to 98% at a temperature of plus 40 hailstones owls on celsius during 48 hrs.. Repeat staying in these conditions shall be allowed after relay exposition in standard climatic conditions not less 12 hrs.. insulation resistance between current leading by elements and body and inter yes by individual òîêîâåæóùèìè elements, m: in standard climatic conditions - 5000; in conditions excess of moisture - 5; in case of maximum temperature (after coil exposition under working íàïðÿ æåíèåì) - 20; test voltage (effective value) between current leading ýëå cops, leading by elements and chassis earth in: in standard climatic conditions - 500; in conditions excess of moisture - 300; resistance of contact circuit on tension 6+/-1 in and current 10+/-1 mitotic activity - not more 0, 25 Omaghs in the process of delivery.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Execution supply voltage of direct current source, in coil designation and connecting method operate voltage, in, not more the drop-away voltage, in, no less than the coils Ñîïðòèâëåíèå, the Omagh the working voltage, in the mass, year, not more the number of sealed-contact reed relays and diodes, pieces
1 RES 85
RES 85
ÐÑ4. 569. 794 5; 27 À-Á 2. 3 0. 21 210+/-21 5+0. 5/-1. 4 45 3 sealed-contact reed relays and 1 diode
2 RES 85/1
RES 85/1
ÐÑ4. 569. 794-01 5; 27 À-Á 10. 5 0. 90 3000+/-450 27+/-11 45 3 sealed-contact reed relays and 1 diode
3 RES 86
RES 86
ÐÑ4. 569. 795 5 À-Á 2. 2 0. 13 145+/15 5+0. 5/-1. 4 55 5 sealed-contact reed relays and 1 diode