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Elektrotechnik- und Kabelerzeugnisse und -Ausr'stungen

Starter elektromagnetischer PML-1000

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For remote control 3 phase asynchronous ýëåêòðîäâèãàòå leus and protection of them from reloadings of inadmissible duration and from then Cove, arising in case of break of one of phases.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Rated control current, and - 10 nominal voltage, in - 660 greatest capacity controlled electric motor, kilowatt - 3, 7 power consumption of magnetizing coil, VA - 8 Nome. control voltage (inc. bobbins), in - 24, 36 , 40, 48, 110, 127, 220, 230, 240, 380, 400, 415, 500, 660. execution on wear resistance but b or in, million. In cycles: êîììóòàöèîííàÿ/ìåõàíè÷åñêàÿ - 3, 0/20; 1, 5/20; 0, 3/8. environmental category - Î*4 of all-industrial. Î4 tropics. degree of protection - IP00 (open). contacts number of ancillary circuit - 1ç; 1ð first bill of exchanges. 1. Notation convention of âñïîì. Contacts: ç-çàìûêàþùèé ð-ðàçìûêàþùèé. 2. For providing of joint work with devices ìèêðîïðîöåñ- weed technology the starters can be completed clippers ïåðåíà- type ïðÿæåíèé of overvoltage limiter for magnetic compatibility, in case of circuit voltage óï- ðàâëåíèÿ 24, 48, 110, 220, 380 V. the record example of designation starter on rated control current 10 but non-reversible, without thermal relay, degree of protection of IP00, êëèìàòè÷åñ- whom execution Î*4, execution on wear resistance in, with including bobbin on voltage 220 in frequency 50 cycles. from some closure êîí- step of ancillary circuit: "ÏÌË-11000*4Â. 220 V.. ÒÓ16-91 ÈÃÅÂ. 644131. 001 technical specification. "

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Nominal voltage of main circuit, in nominal working current, and availability of thermal relay appointment degree of protection mass, kg overall dimensions, MM, LõÂõÍ mounting dimensions, MM, LõÂ
1 PML-11000*4A
660 6 there is no non-reversible IÐ00 0, 32 67õ44õ74 50õ35
2 PML-11000*4B
660 6 there is no non-reversible IÐ00 0, 32 67õ44õ74 50õ35
3 PML-11000*4V
660 6 there is no non-reversible IÐ00 0, 32 67õ44õ74 50õ35
4 PML-11010*4A
660 6 there is no non-reversible IÐ00 0, 32 67õ44õ74 50õ35
5 PML-11010*4B
660 6 there is no non-reversible IÐ00 0, 32 67õ44õ74