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Elektrotechnik- und Kabelerzeugnisse und -Ausr'stungen

Steuerungposten _________ KU

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For commutation of electrical control circuits, signalling and control on tension to 440Â of direct current and up to 500Â of alternate current hour òîòîé 50 cycles.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

For needs of national economy, the uses on courts, ïîäíàäçîðíûõ Russian register of shipping of navigation, and supplies for export is being manufactured. environmental category of series posts of ÊÓ121 and SIF 122 - Â3; ÊÓ123 - Ó2 and Â2 according to the state standard 15150*. degree of protection: ÊÓ121 - 1Ð00; ÊÓ122 - 1Ð30; ÊÓ123 - 1Ð56 according to the state standard 14255. onposition of posts in space - any. nominal thermal current - 16À. nominal working currents in çàâèñìîñòè from nominal voltage and current gender - from 0. 2 to 4 A. in respect of quantity built-in the button cells the posts are subclassified into single-element (ÊÓ121-1, ÊÓ-122-1, ÊÓ123-1); two-element (SIF 121-2, ÊÓ122-2, ÊÓ123-2) and three-element (ÊÓ121-3 ÊÓ122-3 ÊÓ123-3. Each the button cell has one closure and one opening íåïåðåêðû- âàþùèåñÿ pole. in type posts of ÊÓ123 the input of conjuctive leads (cable) îñóùåñò- âëÿåòñÿ through Salnikov. to posts may be established îïåðåòèâíûå inscriptions: "stops", "launch ", "onward" and "backwards". Inscription of other denominations are accomplished by îòäåëü- Noy orders.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Type buttons number environmental category
1 N 1
N 1
SIF 121-1 1 Â3
2 N 2
N 2
SIF 121-2 2 Â3
3 N 3
N 3
SIF 121-3 3 Â3
4 N 4
N 4
SIF 123-11 1 Â2
5 N 5
N 5
SIF 123-11 1 Ó2
6 N 6
N 6
SIF 123-12 1 Â2
7 N 7
N 7
SIF 123-12 1 Ó2
8 N 8
N 8
SIF 123-13 1 Ó2
9 N 9
N 9
SIF 123-13 1 Â2
10 N 10
N 10
SIF 123-21 2 Â2
11 N 11
N 11
SIF 123-21 2 Ó2
12 N 12
N 12
SIF 123-22 2 Ó2
13 N 13
N 13
SIF 123-22 2 Â2
14 N 14
N 14
SIF 123-23 2 Â2
15 N 15
N 15
SIF 123-23 2 Ó2
16 N 16
N 16
SIF 123-31 3 Ó2
17 N 17
N 17
SIF 123-31 3 Â2
18 N 18
N 18
SIF 123-32 3 Â2
19 N 19
N 19
SIF 123-32 3 Ó2
20 N 20
N 20
SIF 123-33 3 Ó2
21 N 21
N 21
SIF 123-33 3 Â2
22 N 22
N 22
SIF 122-1 1 Â3
23 N 23
N 23
SIF 122-2 2 Â3
24 N 24
N 24
SIF 122-3 3 Â3