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Geräte f. Kontrolle und Regulierung, Wandler

Signaleinrichtung thermochemisch STM-30

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For automated continuous control of äîâçðûâîîïàñíûõ concentrations multi-component air mixtures of combustible gases and steams.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Business hour - continuous measurement range, % ÍÊÏÐ 0-50 on-scale range, % ÍÊÏÐ 0-100 main absolute error % of ÍÊÏÐ, not more on methane for determination +-5 for signalling +-0, 1 response time of signalling, with, not more 7 output unified the signal, mitotic activity 4-20 íàãðóçíå more than 500Îì digital RS232 with öèôðîð èíäèêàö. environment temperature, degree. With for ÁÑèÏ and fighting 1- +50 for sensor unit: with digital indication - 40- +50 without digital indication - 60- +50 for carring out probe: high-temperature 1- +150 force-feed 1- +50 operation "of dry" relay contacts in case of signalling operation: preliminary one group accidental two groups failure one group length of communication line of ÁÑèÏ with sensor units, m, not more: 1000 conductors number of communication line 3 food, in: variable 220 reserved permanent 24 with figures. èíäèêàö power consumption, VA, not more 10 overall dimensions, MM mass, kg , not more for fighting of 303õ118õ230 2, 2 for ÁÑÈÏ 303õ56õ230 1, 9 for sensor unit of 183õ106õ100 1, 5 for carring out probe of 64õ72õ36 0, 4 force-feed 260õ106õ100 2, 5 lifetime, year, no less than 10

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für itm