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Hydrotechnische Ausrüstungen

Luftdruckturbopumpe _________ N2

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Drive is the pneumatic impulse turbine.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Pumping of neutral mine water from face in water producing area the Nick in case of drifting of vertical mine shafts is intended for. The pump may also be use îëüçîâàí for local overfall in case of inclinations drifting, horizontal in ûðàáîòîê and at the surface for water pumping in case of digging of deep excavation the war gas and trenches in mountain and construction works. water swapping with hydrogen index of ðÍ=7-8, 5, with mass fraction mechanical impurities not more 0, 2%, amount of solid particles not more 2 MM. capacity 25 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. pressure head 40 M.. Mach operating temperature +60 degree. S. mass 34 kg.

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Der Preis: 10.08.2000 itm Der Großhandelspreis: 5281.00 RUR(RUR)
Der Detailpreis: 0.00 RUR(RUR)