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Hydrotechnische Ausrüstungen

Zentrifugalpumpe _________ CNSm 38-44...220"S"

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Cåêöèîííûé. To the operation in oil system of turbo-alternator for submission butter in compacting bearings on commissioning period, stops and operations of ãå of íåðàòîðà. | Rotational speed 3000 îá/ìèí. |

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Working liquid - butter turbine Gost Ò22 32-74, butter temperature 50-55 growth hormone GH. With, viscosity 20-25 SG, density 0, 88 ã/ñì. Cuba. category temperature range of butter from 2 growth hormone GH. With to 60 growth hormone GH. S. the butter in pump shall be submitted according to its temperature with supporting from 0, 7 to 0, 15 êãñ/ñì of apartment. Nominal submission 38 m of Cuba. /÷àñ. the recommended capacity of direct-current motors is calculated for transfer by pumping of turbine oil with temperature +60 growth hormone GH. S. the characteristic is given in operating oil pump using water with temperature +25 growth hormone GH. S. the electric motor type is recalled by the customer and concurs with ïðåäïðè ÿòèåì-ïîñòàâùèêîì.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Pressure head, waters m. article. electric motor capacity, kilowatt mass, kg
1 CNSm 38-44
CNSm 38-44
44 18. 5 181
2 CNSm 38-66
CNSm 38-66
66 18. 5 204
3 CNSm 38-88
CNSm 38-88
88 30 228
4 CNSm 38-110
CNSm 38-110
110 30 251
5 CNSm 38-132
CNSm 38-132
132 37 274
6 CNSm 38-154
CNSm 38-154
154 45 298
7 CNSm 38-176
CNSm 38-176
176 55 321
8 CNSm 38-198
CNSm 38-198
198 55 345
9 CNSm 38-220
CNSm 38-220
220 55 368