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Ausr'stungen f. kommunale Dienstleister und Handwerke

Wasserpumpe _________ NSSVD

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

Centrifugal, for systems of municipal and rural water supply, systems heating of dwelling and industrial structures, boiler-room and thermoelectric power station

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

For swapping of pure water (except sea) with pH 6. 9, temperature from 0 to 85 degree. With (ÂÊÌ type), from 0 to 105 degree. With (computer system type) and other fluids, of suits with water by their density, viscosity and chemical actively ñòè, containing the hard inclusions by the amount to 0, 2 MM, three-dimensional êîíöåíò hand-held radio to 0, 1%. Type pumps ÂÊ-öåíòðîáåæíûå, horizontal, îäíîñòóï åí÷àòûå, cantilever, type electric pumps ÂÊÌ-öåíòðîáåæíûå, ãîðèçîíòàëüí ûå, one-step, monoblock . Impeller - close-ended. Mat parts åðèàë of flowing part - cast iron mf (medium frequency frequenc 20.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Submission, Cuba. ì/÷àñ pressure head, m capacity äâèãàòåëÿ/îáîðîòû, êÂò/îá. /ìèí overall dimensions, MM mass, kg
1 VK 100-65-200
VK 100-65-200
100 50 30/3000 1460õ540õ590 415
2 VK 100-65-250
VK 100-65-250
100 80 45/3000 1565õ610õ655 540
3 VK 100-65-200/1
VK 100-65-200/1
100 50 - 655õ320õ405 100
4 VK 100-65-250/1
VK 100-65-250/1
100 80 - 560õ360õ450 135
5 VK 65-40-200
VK 65-40-200
25 50 7, 5/3000 1040õ390õ440 152
6 VK 65-40-200/1
VK 65-40-200/1
25 50 - 700õ305õ340 76
7 VK 80-50-200
VK 80-50-200
50 50 15/3000 1210õ490õ460 265
8 VK 80-50-200/1
VK 80-50-200/1
50 50 - 730õ305õ360 77
9 VK 80-65-160
VK 80-65-160
50 32 7, 5/3000 1040õ390õ440 150
10 VK 80-65-160/1
VK 80-65-160/1
50 32 - 700õ265õ340 74
11 VKM 100-65-250
VKM 100-65-250
100 80 45/3000 1040õ450õ560 392
12 VKM 50-32-125
VKM 50-32-125
12, 5 20 3/3000 500õ210õ265 47
13 VKM 50-32-200
VKM 50-32-200
12, 5 50 5, 5/3000 570/305/350 85
14 VKM 65-40-200
VKM 65-40-200
25 50 7, 5/3000 700õ305õ360 86
15 VKM 65-50-160
VKM 65-50-160
25 32 5, 5/3000 570õ250õ310 76
16 VKM 80-50-200
VKM 80-50-200
50 50 15/3000 820õ350õ420 180
17 VKM 80-65-160
VKM 80-65-160
50 32 7, 5/3000 700õ300õ340 86