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Bücher, Periodika und polygraphische Erzeugnisse

Universitätszeitung _________ "Propeller" 10/2/11/2001

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

   Die Kennwerte    Die Bedeutung
Маркировка модификации10/2/11/2001
Number  10/2 (3658)
month  November
year 2001

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Modifikation:

N 10/2 (3658) November 2001. Articles - 10 
table of content: 
* flora of Êàëèíêî. We all sail in one boat 
* the flora of Êàëèíêî. Advertising the case thin 
* Great Patriotic War veteran, ìàåâåö with 60-year lenght of service, 
the senior lecturer the Valentin the Ivanovich clo 
M.. For us 
* the member of the commission of moscow council of veterans of war an
d labour, deputy was the capital. Ïðåäñ 
åäàòåëÿ of Council of Veterans of May, veteran and disabled veteran of
 the Great Patriotic War, chair senior lecturer 
44-2 A. D. Ñóõàðåâ. First step to victory 
* veteran Great Patriotic War, chairman of Council of Veterans May Iva
n Ivanovich seed 
war adust youth 
* deputy by the chief of the chair 909 n, with, Äèíÿåâ. Desire creativ
* Áèêêóëîâà R., that our life? Game!  Meditation on îò÷åòíî-âûáîðíî 
conference é of students trade-union committee May 
*, Mikhailov. On creativity centre of student May 
* V. Sergeev. Successful report of programmers from May 
* Sofia of Þøêîâà. | Victory on competition - best gift

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Preis: der Vertragspreis für copy

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