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Bücher, Periodika und polygraphische Erzeugnisse

Universitätszeitung _________ "Propeller" 4/03/2002

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

   Die Kennwerte    Die Bedeutung
Маркировка модификации4/03/2002
Number  4/03/ (3663)
month  March
year 2002

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Modifikation:

N 4 (3663) March 2002. Articles - 10 
table of content: 
*Ðåäàêöèÿ. Officially 
head *Çàìåñòèòåëü. CAF. 102, Àðòàìîíîâ of B. L. fifth forum of Russian
flight association 
Êàëèíêî *Ôëîðà. That the years of forthcoming are preparing rotary-win
g poultry? 
*Çàì. head. Chair 703, Karjakin of Yu. M. science and life 
club *Ïðåäñåäàòåëü of âûïóñíèêîâ and friends 6 May faculties, Øîëü of 
E. I. 
in summary 
the dean *Çàìåñòèòåëü 6 faculties on ÂÒÈ, the chair senior lecturer 60
9, K. T. N.   
Ñìîëÿíèíîâ V. V. doubts more than there is no 
*Äèðåêòîð of benevolent foundation "parity", Êàëóãèí A. V. 
version ËÀ-6-102 
*Âåäóùèé engineer ÐÊÊ "energy", àâòîð-ñîñòàâèòåëü of third issue refer
ence service 
ïåñåí ðíèêà "music aeronautical institute", Øåëóõàíîâ I. V.. 
we is grateful Rybakova Vladimir 
*Ïðîôåññîð, the chief of the chair 607, Ìàëîçåìöåâ V. V. 
it will be helpful not only for schoolchildrens and students 
chair *Êîëëåêòèâ 502. Is congratulating

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für copy

Die Inhaltsangabe, die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke, alle Modifikationen