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Bücher, Periodika und polygraphische Erzeugnisse

Universitätszeitung _________ "Propeller" 11/11/2000

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

   Die Kennwerte    Die Bedeutung
Маркировка модификации11/11/2000
Number  11 (3647)
month  November
year 2000

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Modifikation:

N 11 (3647) November 2000. Articles - 4. Advertising bloc - 1. 
table of content: 
* in fold: 
general director of joint-stock company "rubies" of Îêóëîâ of B. S..  
director of the Centre named after. M. V. Keldysh Êîðîòååâ A. S..  
General Designer of Central Design Bureau named after. A. N. Tupolev Ø
åâ÷óê I. S..  
General Designer of ÔÖÒÄ Ìèëåõèí of Yu. M..  
general director of production scientific union "buran" of Áàøèëîâ A. 
General Designer production scientific union "buran" Ëîçèíî-Ëîçèíñêèé 
, E..  
Moscow State Technical University president named after. Bauman Fiodor
ova I. B..  
chairman of intergovernmental aeronautical board of Àíîõèíà 
of the current year.  
defense minister of Russian Federation, marshal of Russian Federation 
Sergeev I..  
chairman of the State Duma Ñåëåçíåâ of, 
ôðàâêöèè chief "homeland - whole Russia" Ïðèìàêîâ of E. M..  
chairman of credentials committee of GHy Russian Federation, pilot-cos
monaut, twice 
USSR hero Ñåâàñòüÿíîâ V. I..  
General Designer of company "of Kamovs" of Mikheyevs S. V..  
central administration board air force Russian Federation, ãåíåðàë-àðì
èè Êàðíóêîâ A..  
General Designer ÃîñÌÊÁ "drop message", academician Sokolovsky, A..  
university president of academician name S. P. Korolev Ñîéôåð V. A. 
* administration of the budget May in 1999 and current of financial si
higher educational institution 
* Ìõèòàðÿí V. A. 70 years May - 70 years ÍÈÐÑ 
* Äèíÿåâà N. S.. Chair 909 - twenty-five years

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für copy

Die Inhaltsangabe, die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke, alle Modifikationen