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Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering and Equipment

Aircraft multi-purpose IL-103

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Light, for use as a passenger, light transport Noy and advanced trainer, as well as for air observation and Patras roads ëèðîâàíèÿ, pipelines, forests, shorelines.

Detailed model description:

Possesses by the high profitability and reliability, may exploit Sue in any climatic conditions, successfully take to off and get on to ðîòêèõ, as well as subsoil airport grounds. Track length in case of take-off - 340 m, whilst landing - 250 M.. The flight speed can vary within limits of 85 êì/÷ and 250 êì/÷. Is equipped with the motor of Continental 10. 360 European Communities , having the low fuel consumption and ease of technical on ñëóæèâàíèÿ. The Ëåòíî-íàâèãàöèîííîå equipment provides clear municipal departments ëåíèå in-flight and in the landing pattern. In case of customer wish on yourselves summer the navigation equipment the western ïðîèç of âîäñòâà may be established. Excellent review, two side, opening upwards doors, and forming the front seats allows easy access to back passenger seats and baggage compartment. This allows to produce the quick load and the discharge of the cargo of airplane. basis data motor 10-360 ÅS Òåëåäàéí Êîòèíåíòàëü Ìîòîðñ capacity, horse power. /îá/ìèí 210/2, 800 take-off weight, êã/ôóíò 1, 310/2, 885 payload, êã/ôóíò 395/870 range with fuel reserve, of êì/ìîð. Mil 1, 070/577 cruise speed, êì/÷/óçåë 225/121. 4 takeoff distance to Í=15 m, ì/ôóò 520/1, 705 landing distance with Í=15 m, ì/ôóò, 570

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm