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Toys, game and entertainment equipment

Game table Ves¸ly den¸k

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Èãðà-êîìèêñ for child 10-13 year.

Detailed model description:

Unusual game. Its playing field is the comic (the number of ðèñóí The Cove with brief narrations) and tells on single day Schoolboy. In the process of game with child will take place the same adventure as with him. Perhaps, in comic heroes the child learn itself and will be able As it were consulted itself on the part of. Tourneurs amount of: 2-4 person. In set: playing field; 4 chips are of different colours; block; game rules. Material: playing field - cardboard; chips, block - polyethylene. Box dimensions: 232õ292õ30 mm.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm