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Courses, lessons, consultations, educational sevices

Training advanced Nachalnik otdela RiVSK

Country: Belarus
 Supplier: Maker  
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Development and implementation of systems of quality at enterprise on ISO 9000 and 14000.

Detailed model description:

Ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîòü educations: annually on 2 stage per year (duration each stage of one week). Volume of curriculum 72 hrs.. Duration of the training course: 8-13 February, 13-18 September. Lecturers: the chiefs, the chief experts ministries, concerns, êîìèòå-òîâ, the most qualified íàó÷íî-ïå äàãîãè÷åñêèå employees of educational and scientific institutions, to ñïåöèàëèñòû-ïðàêòè the SIF. Businesses kinds: lectures, practical works, discussions, exit çàíÿ òèÿ on best enterprises of radiobiological plant, business games, round tables , experience exchange. issued the document: for course of study - certificate. Services: 1) on inquiry (telephone, fax, letter), no later than 10 before days before the beginning of manual, ticket booking in hotel; 2) education-methodics the materials are given; 3) on inquiry three of time is being organized. Food; 4) on inquiry of âûñû rails the work programme and the schedule on forthcoming training phase. mode of payment: - clearing in terms of roubles of radiobiological plant at the rate of national bank or in roubles of the Russian Federation at the rate of as of the payment day; - cash payment (in case of submission condition of application for participation for 10 days before the beginning of manual). Condition payment: preliminary, not later, than 5 days before the beginning manual. In case of appointment card for manual of two employees from one enterprise - the discount 10%, three and áîëåå- 15% from base cost of tuition (on service not races ïðîñòðàíÿåòñÿ). In registration it is necessary to show the copy of payment order and the signed protocol agreement of contract price.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per crs

The form and the terms of payment are specified in "detailed description of". 120$-áàçîâàÿ cost of tuition for 1 week; 145$-ñòîèìîñòü of education with three of time. Food; 165$-ñòîèìîñòü of education with three of time. board and lodging (only for radiobiological plant citizens).