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Varnishes, paints, glues

Paint water-dispersed Butanit

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For internal and external colour of buildings on brick, AD òîííûì, wood and old lacquer-dye coatings, as well as on àñáåñ òîöåìåíòíîìó page and øèôåðó.

Detailed model description:

Latexes composition of new type C mineral additives, silicon organic additions, giving water- and atmosphere resistance, ýìóëü ãàòîðàìè, stabilisers etc. Ecologically clean (hygienic centre certificate state ñàíèòàðíî - epidemiology íàäçî r in. Moscow), fire- and explosion-safe. Is resistant to effect êëèìà òè÷åñêèõ factors. Compensation atmosphere resistance 8-10 year. Dye expenditure by 1 sq. m - 140-160,. Drying time at a temperature of 18-22 degree c - 1 hour. Working viscosity - 25-40 S.. Initial viscosity - to 1, 5 minute. any colour and tint in accordance with customer. Is deposited manual brush, platen, atomizer. Carefully are mixed. Ðàçáàâ ëÿåòñÿ water to working viscosity. The substrate should be refined, and the fuzzy whitewashing by the water. To store indoors in case of temperature higher 0 degrees c. the storage life - 6 months from the date èçãî of òîâëåíèÿ.

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 22.11.2001 г. за kg Wholesale price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 26.50 RUR(RUR)

Taking into account of VAT on February 1 2001. The account valid due and payable during 3 bank days. Tare on 4, 5; 15; 55 kg. Also in any number of customer tare.