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Varnishes, paints, glues

Paint open-air "Gelezni surik"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For external and internal finishes (except for sex colour), colours of metal and wooden artifacts.

Detailed model description:

Technical characteristics.
1. Colour of film. On standard or card file
2. Funnel viscosity on viscometer in 3-4. 80-160
3. Fineness of grind, micrometre not more. 80
4. Mass fraction of volatile matters, % not more. 14, 5
5. Mass fraction of film-forming substance, no less than. 27
6. Covering ability not dried film of dye, ê/ã in apartment. not more. 35
7. Drying time to the extent 3, hours, not more. 24
8. Film hardness, conventional. chow. no less than. 0, 05
9. Film durability to static action of water, ch, no less than. 0, 5
prepackaging in can by the weight 1 kg, 3êã and on inquiry of consumer in ïðîìòàðó

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per kg