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Varnishes, paints, glues

Paint oil MA-15 "Kronos"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For colour of metal and wood surfaces, excluding sexes, indoor and on the outside. Glabrous, even coating, resistant to àòìîñ ôåðíûì effects. Colour: red lead iron.

Detailed model description:

Fine-dispersed suspension of pigment and filling agents in oil of ïëåíêîîá ðàçîâàòåëå. Way of application: if required to filter and the time to áàâèòü white spirit to convenient viscosity, to rule on refined over íîñòü in the dry at a temperature of not lower than 5 degrees S. the certificate Ãîññàíýïèäíàäçîðà. | fineness of grind, micrometre, not more 90 covering ability, according to colour and drawing method, ã/êâ. | M 35-235 funnel viscosity, according to colour, with 60-250 drying time at a temperature of about 20 degree. With, ch, not more 24 film hardness on ìàÿòíèêîâîìó device, conventional. chow. no less than 0, 15 guarantee storage life, months. 12

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 01.03.2002 г. за t Wholesale price: 26160.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)

Party to 10 T.. Price taking into account of VAT without value of tare by 15. 10. 2000. 100% prepayment. In case of available pricing having increased àåòñÿ on 5%. In case of lot size 10-25 t and more than the price reduces Sue correspondingly.