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medical products

Drug antistress Cerinat-lyuks

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For preventive measure of stressful reactions of organism and improvement of stability nervous system in conditions increased the psychoemotional loads; äë I increasing of activity and taking off of fatigue.

Detailed model description:

On the basis of àâòîëèçàòà of beer yeasts, is enriched by vitamins of A, e and c.

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 07.09.2001 г. за itm Wholesale price: 30.60 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)

Covered 60 state. Prepayment. Price from April 1 2001. With ó÷å that VAT (20%). Discounts: above 3600 pellets - 5%; 18000 - 10% ; 60000 - 15%. Retail: there may be the delivery by post with put Noy payment; on Moscow is free home delivery.