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Medical apparatus, equipment and accessory

Device magneto-led GESKA-1MAG

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For îçäîðàâëåíèÿ, medical treatments, rehabilitations and preventive measures.

Detailed model description:

Efficiently applies to: - bruises, scratches, furuncles, ôëåãìîíàõ; - skin diseases (juvenile acnes, eczema, psoriasis, herpe, atopic dermatitis, trophic ulcers); - Ëîð-çàáîëåâàíèÿõ, disorders of the upper respiratory tract (ðèíîñèíóèòû, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis); - diseases of locomotor system (injuries, osteochondrosis spine, arthritis ) and number of other diseases. Áåçîïàñíîòü and the high efficiency of apparata effect allows to to employ them in therapeutic ó÷åðåæäåíèÿõ, domiciliary, both in complex with traditional methods, and independently persons of all ages, while allowing significantly shorten periods of medical treatment and to make cheaper yourselves process of medical treatment because of considerable reduction of doses expensive medicines or nearly full rejection of them. use method of apparata are simple, are available to and do not require specialized training. technical characteristics parameters Ãåñêà-1ìàã wavelength of radiator, nm red. 660 èíôêðàñíîãî 870 density of radiation power, Âò/ñì of Cuba. 4 nm Àëüôà=660. 20 radiation area, cm of Cuba. > 4 field density, ìÒë. > 50 food. Mains-operated 220 in 50 cycles clearances, MM. Light-emitting diode bloc 200õ80õ60 magnetic nozzle 60õ60õ4 mass,. Light-emitting diode bloc 250 magnetic nozzle 45

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm