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Auto-, Tractor Engineering and Equipment

System gas fuel SAGA-6

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Maker  
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Automobile gas fuel oil system (ÀÃÒÑ) provide äâè work ãàòåëÿ of internal combustion on liquefied gas (C. I. S.). There is ñåðòèôè accordance êàò with period of validity 3 years.

Detailed model description:

Is intended for automotive application of internal gas combustion as a alternative fuel. ÀÃÒÑ "of ÑÀÃÀ-6" is installed at all marks of light, small tonnage commercial vehicles OTC ÷åñòâåííîãî and foreign manufacture with content of motor to 4, 5 L.. Showings of engineering level of ÀÃÒÑ "of ÑÀÃÀ-6" correspond international requests of European economic commission of UNO. the engine running gasoline-powered ñîõðàíÿ åòñÿ. System structure and the workmanship guarantee áåçîïàñ íîñòü in operation and improve the ecological situation. ÀÃÒÑ advantage "of ÑÀÃÀ-6": - evaporation regulator compactness; - possibility filling in gas balloon on filling stations, not having compressor for gas injection, to 80% volume; - - availability of distant level sensor of bottled gas; - the gearbox body of system is protected from defrosting; - the ìóëüòèêëàïàíà design provides the accelerated filling by the gas for 2-3 minutes and excludes the flask congestion; - 100% use of bottled gas; - forming of optimum composition of gas-air mixture at all conditions work; - guaranteed safety of exploitation, driver and Passengers; the electromagnetic valve structure allows to reduce the current ïîòðåáëå Nia and operate voltage in 1, 5-2 time. The filters of electromagnet vents do not require the scheduled services (the washings or the substitutions). evaporation regulator mass: 1, 5 kg; diameter: 170 MM; depth: 80 MM gas: oil (propane-butane); gas state: liquefied; system mass without flask: not more 15 kg; mass of steel cylinder: 22 kg; formatted capacity of flask: 40 l; supervisory gas consumption, km ë/100 of path: from 9 to 12 according to motor volume.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm