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Auto-, Tractor Engineering and Equipment

Conveyor caterpillar Vityz DT 10PM1

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Detailed model description:

Modernized the alternative of two-link transporters of community "the knight".
in product design is implemented the entire the complex of technical solutions, providing the machines of new generation higher the showings on reliability, resource, ergonomics, handiness and servicing.
the distinctive features and the priorities:
- stronger and technological body;
- increased and more than comfortable cockpit;
- 12-cylinder diesel engine of ßÌÇ capacity 800 L.. With;
- strengthened units design of transmission;
in design put the wide possibilities of modification, following modernization and directive of technological and specific equipment.
the increased cockpit, equipped by the systems of heating, conditioning and ventilation, two berths and convenient seats, kitchen processor and accessories, àâòîìàãíèòîëîé and transport interphone, provides comfort conditions to accommodate and long-term staying of crew to 8 person.
the technical characteristics:
1. Mass in hot configuration, T.. 30, 0;
2. Carrying capacity, T.. 30;
3. Number of package in cockpit. 4+4;
4. Maximal length transported cargo, M.. 6;
5. Internal dimensions of bodies:
first link, MM. 3080õ2910õ1306;
second link, MM. 6530õ2910õ1400;
6. Engine power, horse power. 800;
7. Maximal velocity overland, êì/÷àñ. 45;
8. Maximal velocity via water, êì/÷àñ. 5-6;
9. Middle flotation pressure, êã/ñì^2. 0, 3;
10. Fuel distance endurance, km. 700;
11. Surmounted obstacles (at full load):
- maximal angle of ascent or descent, degree. 30;
- maximal angle of heel, degree. 15;
12. Overall dimensions, MM. 16080õ3100õ3290.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm