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Office equipment and stationery

Table bank ESKR-1

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


Is equipped with two pedestals (in each on 3 metals. Box with individual deputy Spacecrafts), plug sockets for connecting of electrical appliances, signaling button, Holder to place baling strips, lamp.

Detailed model description:

Overall dimensions: 1510õ701õ700 (with lamp 1700) Feeding: three-phase 220Â 50 cycles Weight 150 kg Lamp luminescent, lamps 3õ30 watt With side and back sides of top of table - barrier from organic glass.

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 29.03.2007 г. за cset Wholesale price: 4700.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)