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Intrusion protection and fire-control systems, equipment, si

Module fire fighting "Buran-0,5"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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Powder. For extinction of fire of class but in, with also electric sets is charged at small premises of industrial, ñêàäñêîãî, household purpose, in transport.

Detailed model description:

Technical characteristics.
1. Protected the area, apartment. M, not more. 3
2. Protected the volume, Cuba. M, not more. 3
3. Ýëåêòðîçàïóñêà current, mitotic activity, no less than. 100
4. Mass fire-extinguishings, kg. 0, 48
5. Action time, with, not more. 0, 1
6. Discharge of powder, êãõñ - 1 degree. 5, 0
7. Total mass, kg. 1, 27
8. Range of operating temperatures, degree. S. +-50
9. Serviceable life, year. 10

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm