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Intrusion protection and fire-control systems, equipment, si

Module mounting "Taifun" MUPTV-60

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For fire fighting by the òîíêîðàñïûëåííîé water.

Detailed model description:

For extinction of fire of class and in indoors of category but b, in and can be applied to systems of fire protection of depositories of museum valuables, exhibitions, archives, as well as offices.

the technical characteristics:
1. Fire extinguishing the module ability, ì^2, not more:
- class fire A.. 20;
- fire of class in flammable fluids with flash point of steams to 40 degree. S. 20;
- fire of class in flammable fluids with flash point of steams 40 degree. With and more than. 20;
2. Action continuance, S.. 10-25;
3. Inertia, with, not more. 3;
4. Average consumption fire extinguishing agent, êã/ñ. 2, 6-6, 5;
5. Mass, kg, and kind fire extinguishing agent:
- water drinkable according to the state standard 2874. 60+/-0, 3;
- water doped with. 61+/-0, 3;
6. Ãàçà-âûòåñíèòåëÿ mass
(liquid carbon dioxide of Gost 8050), kg. 4, 8^+0, 2;
7. Module mass without fire extinguishing agent full, kg. 60+/-3;
8. Volume of storage bottle of ãàçà-âûòåñíèòåëÿ, L.. 8 or 10;
9. Volume of chassis earth of L.. 65+/-1;
10. Overall modular dimensions, MM, not more:
- length. 400;
- width. 300;
- height. 1500;
11. Signal parameters of all-automatic launch:
- force of direct current, but no less than. 0, 5;
- electric circuit resistance, Omagh. 1, 5-5, 5;
- duration of current impulse, incineration facility, no less than. 8;
12. Working pressure in chassis earth MPa:
- minimum. 0, 5;
- maximal. 1, 4;
13. Functioning pressure of preventive
vent, MPa. 1, 6-1, 7;
14. Effort ÌÓÏÒÂ casting in operation by hand,
n, not more. 100;
15. Operations resource, no less than. 10;
16. Assigned lifetime, year. 10.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm