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Intrusion protection and fire-control systems, equipment, si

Installation fire extinguishing UPR-1

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For automated and fly-by-wire guidance, extinctions and localization fire; overheating protections of technological designs and apparata; measures for inflammabilities prevention and cleanness maintaining of object

Detailed model description:

Automated ñòàöèîíàðíî-ðàçìåùàåìîå fund of object protection: machines Noy halls of electric power stations, production departments of enterprises, warehouses, oil-loading trestle-works, sea of oil-extracting platforms, hectare objects call and chemical complexes, hangars etc.. The fire monitors are connected Sue through âîäîçàïîðíóþ fixture to object fire main, íàâî äÿòñÿ on defeat hearth and convey to fire extinguishing agent (water, foam, on ðîøîê) in fire zone within 50 M.. Two îáåñïå electric drive ÷èâàþò the tacking in vertical and horizontal planes. Revealing inflammabilities: stationary informers (heat or smoke) and di òàíöèîííûì infrared detector open flame, placed on shaft. The shaft displacement go on one of eight beforehand çàïðîãðàììè ðîâàííûõ trajectories.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per cset