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Lifting machinery, mechanisms and equipment

Winch ratchet RL-1500

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


To carry out of loading-unloading and assemblies on load on rope to 1500 kgs within a range of t from - 50 to +50 S..

Detailed model description:

Technical characteristics:
carrying capacity, kg, not more. 1500
stick pressure, kg, not more. 18
ascensional rate (in case of 35 îá/ìèí
winch pen), ì/ìèí, no less than. 0, 4
òðàñà length, M.. 45
òðàñà diameter, MM. 9, 9
winch mass, kg, not more. 73
overall as big as pen, MM. 580õ410õ448

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm