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Foodstuff, beverages and their components

Balm spirit "Sputnik"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


In the composition of 32 components, including extracts 24 medicinal grasses, íàòóðàë üíûé apple juice, coniacian, honey, pink, orange and áàëüçàìåíîå p ðóàíñêîå butters.

Detailed model description:

The tonic, which is recommended to use with tea, coffee, mineral water to improve appetite, in case of overcooling and ïðîñòóäàõ, physical and mental fatigue. the one teaspoon of balsam bears the invigorating energy of plants, warms shower-bath and the tel, improves the appetite, removes the stress, raises mood. gold medal of all-russian competition of balsams "Russia balsams" ,. Moscow, 1992,) gold medal I all-russian ñìîòðà-êîíêóðñà of alcohol drinks ,. Moscow, 1995). gold medal of II of all-russian ñìîòðà-êîíêóðñà alcohol drinks ,. Moscow, 1997). gold medal of fair of faults and vodka ,. St. Petersburg, 1998). gold medal of exhibition "of Èíòåðäðèíê-98" ,. Moscow, 1995). gold medal III of all-russian ñìîòðà-êîíêóðñà of alcohol drinks ,. Moscow, 1999).

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