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Foodstuff, beverages and their components

Sausages meat "Studencheskie" Studencheskie-420

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingStudencheskie-420
The envelope  Ö/îá
the sale term (eats. ñîñò. , hour  -
sale term (ñîñò. êðèîã. oxygen starvation. , day  -
sale term (term. , days  3
condition of storage, degree  0-6
tare,. 420

Conditions of delevery:

Detail's date: 11.07.2000 г. за kg Wholesale price: 0.00 RUR(RUR)
Retail price: 20.72 RUR(RUR)

Conditions of modification delevery:

Price for packaging (420,)

Annotation, brand detailed description, all modifications