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Foodstuff, beverages and their components

Wine grape "Rkaciteli"

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


Natural, dry, Belaya. Raw material: Ðêàöèòåëè. Alcohol 9 - 12 %.

Detailed model description:

Colour from ñâåòëî-ñîëîìåííîãî to straw. aroma varietal, with pleasant aroma of new-mown hay. taste velvety, fresh with light astringency. place temperature 12 - 14 degree. S. peculiarity is generated by georgian kind of grapes of Ðêàöèòåëè. Georgian "immigrant" grape Ðêàöèòåëè, ïðîèçðàñòàÿ on hillsides of Ìîëäîâû give excellent dry wine. This fault cause pleasant surprise even on ðîäèíå ðêàöèòåëè - at thin and jealous foremans of georgian wine making. recommendation to use shall be submitted to cold fish, caviar, lobsters, êðåâåòêàì, oysters and Belaya turkey meat.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per bot