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Household appliances

grill electric Belvar EGRE -1,2/220.02

Country: Belarus
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers

   Parameters    Values
Modification markingEGRE -1,2/220.02
Timer availability  There is no
power regulator there is

Подробное описание модификации:

The power regulator in model allows to ascertain the additional busine
ss hours: 
"heating from below" (lower heater was included in) - are applied to v
egetables drying, fruits, fungi with full preservation of gustatory an
d nutritive qualities; 
"heating on top" (top heater was included in) - for temperature mainte
nance of precooked dishes; 
" defrosting" (all heaters works in half the capacities) - provides th
e defrosting without "heat stroke", that repays product original fresh

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm

Annotation, brand detailed description, all modifications