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Plants and fertilizers for them

sulfur colloid SK

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
 supplier's details  Product identifiers


For fight against powdery mildew of cucumber (0, 3-0, 5%-íàÿ concentration ), gooseberry (0, 3-0, 6%-íàÿ concentration) beets, grape îèäèóìîì, apple scabs (0, 5-1%-íàÿ concentration) and herbivorous mites.

Detailed model description:

For fight against herbivorous mites apply the 1%-íóþ suspension of sulphur . Standard of consumption - 2-16 kg by 1 hectare. High solution stability, the good watering on machined surface stipulate higher efficiency of preparations ñìà÷èâàþùåéñÿ and colloidal sulphur.
guarantee storage life - 12 months.
watch out flammable!

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per kg