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Parts and components for electronics

Resistor variable SP3-19A

This brand has modifications - select them below after reading annotation and detailed description


Håïðîâîëî÷íûé. For instrumentation, systems èíôîðìà Öèè, long-distance communication.

Detailed model description:

- âñåêëèìàòè÷åñêîãî arrangment - single-turn with circular displacement of moving system - power 0. 5 watts at the temperature of 70ãðàä. With - number of cycle of displacements - 500 - admissible of nominal deviation /-10%, /-20% - performance of resistance change - linear

  Detailed modification description
NNModification marking
Hîìèíàëüíîå resistance, lump (number of Å6Transport space station, 1/ãðàä. With
1 N 1
N 1
0, 047-0, 33/-500*10 in ñòåï. - 6
2 N 2
N 2
0, 33-1000/-250*10 in ñòåï. - 6