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Parts and components for electronics

Microassembly hybrid Rh3.421.021;-01;-02

This brand has modifications - select them below after reading annotation and detailed description


For the transformation of actuating signal of sine shape in ïîñëåäîâà òåëüíîñòü of square waves with constant amplitude and ñêâàæíîñ Ti in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.

Detailed model description:

The food is carried out from constant-voltage source (5, 0+0, 1) in, ( 5, 0-0, 1) in; body 153. 15-2.

  Detailed modification description
NNModification marking
Consumption current, mitotic activity
1 N 1
N 1
22, 0
2 N 2
N 2
11, 0
3 N 3
N 3
5, 5